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- Will Devising Property to Fiancee Survives Subsequent Marriage and Divorce
- Florida Trust Modification: Trustee Has Standing to Reform and Modify Trust Language
- Florida Joint Tenancy With Right of Survivorship (Jtwros) Bank Account
- Florida Probate and Child Support: Will Change to Avoid Child Support Obligations of Beneficiary
- Bank Accounts: Ownership Intent Trumps Legal Form of Ownership
- Florida Probate Nonclaim Statute Does Not Apply to Beneficiaries
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- Florida Will & Trust Dispute Lawyers
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- Gold Diggers Beware!
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- Divorce Does Not Dissolve Beneficial Interest in Trust
- What Happens When Mistakes are Made in a Will?
- What Happens When a Person Dies and the Will Cannot Be Found?
- Substance over Form: What is necessary for a valid transfer of property into a trust?
- Can a child be unintentionally excluded from a parent’s revocable trust?
- How to Overcome the “Negative Will”
- Latent vs. Patent Ambiguities in Last Will and Testament Construction Cases
- Does a Co-Owner of Jointly-Held Property Get the Mortgage Paid if the Will Requires Payment of Debts?
- Intestacy and Same Sex Couples: Probate Needs Progressive Help From Legislatures
- Power of Attorney – What Happens When the Holder Says No?
- How Far May the Witness Wander?
- Hey! Where’s My Gift?
- What Happens to Frozen Sperm After the Donor’s Death?
- Breach of Fiduciary Claim: A Case Study
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- Presumption of Death
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- Florida Intestacy
- Attorney’s Fees: Ask and You Shall Receive
- Estate of Carpenter
- Florida Intestacy and Illegitimate Children
- Trust Language and Settlor’s Intent
- What Are Probate Records and Where Are They Kept?
- What is a Probate Estate?
- Undue Influence: Lawyers Who Name Themselves or Family Members as Beneficiaries of Wills
- Amazing Grace: Religion and Undue Influence
- Revocation of Will
- What is Probate Law?
- Do I Have a Case? The Presumption of Undue Influence?
- Missing Last Will & Testament: Lost or Revoked?
- Probate Attorney’s Fee Petitions
- Do I Have a Case? What Evidence Points to the Conclusion of Undue Influence?
- Stipulation of Last Will & Testament and Appointment of Personal Representative
- What Evidence Points to the Conclusion of Undue Influence?
- Florida Will Contest: Can a Will Be Challenged Based on Decedent’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse?
- Evidence for Undue Influence in Florida
- Will Contest Florida: Evidence of Dementia?
- Undue Influence and Trust Revocation
- Florida Uniform Trust Code
- Will Execution Florida
- Contingent Beneficial Interest in Express Trust
- Florida Inheritance: Rights of Child Born as Result of IVF After Death of Parent
- Florida Probate, Paternity and DNA
- Parents Inheriting from Children in Intestate Probate Estate
- Trustee’s Duties
- Undue Influence: Summary Judgments Are Rare in Cases of Undue Influence
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